Sometime overnight the temperature dropped and it started raining. When I first awoke, the thought was to ride it out. So I rolled over and went back to sleep. Unfortunately, it was still raining the second time I awoke. Oh well. Sometimes you just have to bust a move. So off I went in the rain. 

By afternoon the rain had stopped. The air was still crisp. It turned into a nice day for hiking. Most of the day was relatively easy. But the last climb was a doozy. The first 2,000′ ascent in quite sometime. It made the heart and legs work overtime. 

Shortly after setting up camp the rain returned. It’s going to be a cold, wet night. Hopefully, good sleeping weather. 

Tomorrow I summit Mt. Greylock…the highest point in MA. And shortly after that…I’ll cross the border into VT. 

Progress. One step at a time.