As anticipated, it rained last night. Something comforting in the sound of the drops hitting the tent. Still awake a few times in the night, but sleeping better. I think the warmer nights are helping. Couldn’t be that I’m tired from a great day hiking in the Appalachians. 

Awoke about 8:30. On the trail by 9:30. There were two big climbs today. Straight up Sassafras Mountain, straight down it, and immediately straight up Justice Mountain. Thankfully the terrain mellowed after that. 

My goal was to make Gooch Mountain shelter, but decided to push forward. About 2.5 mikes later I made Gooch Gap. Walked out of the woods, into the clearing to find a cookout and beer. Trail Magic in the form of chicken, ribs, pizza, beer, and stories from around the campfire. My thanks to the “Godfathers of the AT”. 

Forward. One step at a time.