Ever have one of those days where it seems that nothing goes right? Every little thing bothers you. From your clothes not feeling right, aches and pains, sights and sounds…to the point other people even irritate you for no real reason. If left unchecked, these feelings will rapidly compound. Leaving you tired, cranky, and not much fun to be around.

As a hiker, many of the irritants are out of my control. Things like rain, bugs, trail conditions, sleeping on a slope. My attention is focused on what I can manage…remember don’t waste time worrying about what you can’t control. I’m struggling with issues such as chaffing, sweat, sleep, pack comfort, and gear weight.

Attitude is a choice…choose wisely!

Easier said, than done.

From a young age, we are raised to believe in and to follow our dreams…to go big or go home, to swing for the fences, pedal to the metal. Though good for an overall life objective, this strategy isn’t the best for dealing with irritants. Start small and wait. It’s the patience to wait that is difficult, but you must give your adjustments time to settle.

But you’ve tried everything, you’re physically and mentally exhausted, at the point you’ve got nothing left to give…what then?


Dig deeper!

Small changes can lead to large rewards…if you give them a chance. Think outside of the box, try the unexpected…keep trying.

And about the chaffing issue…

I’m not responsible for any mental images.

Think the unexpected. First bad day…lost my shorts…hiked mostly the entire day in my underwear. Second bad day…lost my underwear…hiked the day in my unlined shorts.

#freeballing #nomorechaffing