For many seasons, one of my favorite television shows was Survivor. It was fun to watch the competition, second guess their strategies, and laugh at the silly game politics. Once the tribes merged, they began having Reward Challenges. The winner, and a select few, are removed from the harsh conditions and rewarded with food, comfort, and luxury. The others…left behind.

Several times since tagging the Canadian border, I’ve witnessed several hikers getting a reward. One young lady was met by two friends…the smiles, laughter, and love could be felt…and they whisked her away to Seattle. My friend, Wheels, lives nearby and has been home several times to be with his family. Another group was met by a fellow hiker buddy and they piled into a van headed to a night on the town in Portland.

For me…it’s like losing the Reward Challenge. You see and feel their happiness and joy. Hoping they have a great time, but wishing it was you. Knowing they’re headed to the comforts of home, and you’re still out in the woods. It usually makes me feel home sick and bit sad.

That’s life…it stinks to be on the losing end.

But not today! Today, it’s my turn!