Days 6-12 / Mile 188.4

Stehekin is such a chill and relaxing place. It is accessible by foot, boat, or sea plane. Besides cold beer, good food, and some great company, the people watching was entertaining. Definitely two crowds…tourists and hikers.

I noticed quite a few hurting hikers. Lots of sports tape, ankle and knee braces, and the dreaded hiker hobble. Most of these injuries are either feet or knee related. Foot issues are usually treatable. Knees, however, can easily lead to the end of your hike.

How am I feeling? Awesome!

The reason for my success? Training, staying within my abilities, making good decisions, and staying focused. Things I’ve done my whole life. Whether in hiking, work, or relationships, it is hard to make the difficult things look easy.


Smooth is fast, fast is reckless.