You ever have one of those days where you don’t feel like doing whatever it is you’re supposed to do?
It happens to me…likely too often. Urgency, planning, or deadlines are sometimes not even enough to push me to “git r done”. The easy way is to find or make up an excuse. Our minds are creative. We can concoct some pretty amazing and elaborate excuses. Sometimes, convincing ourselves that the excuse is more important than the original task.
Todays BLOG entry is a perfect example…family is in town visiting, the weather is amazing, I need to practice for disc golf league…get the idea? For whatever reason, I just didn’t feel today’s entry.
So here are this weeks words of wisdom:
Excuses are like a$$holes…every one has one and they all stink.
When you find yourself making up excuses, don’t waste your time. Just suck it up and get it done. In the long run, you’ll feel better.
One more little tidbit:
Game changer!
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