Despite my less than ideal tent site, I slept pretty well. I was awake and trying to get ready at the normal time. It seems I must add about 15 minutes to my morning ritual because I don’t like the cold. The trail greeted me with continued snow, ice, & runoff. Shortly after leaving camp, […]
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Category: AT 2017
Day 25 / Icewater Spring / 209.8
As is the norm, tossed and turned the night before returning to the trail. I was up at 7:00 and ready a short time later. I called the GSMNP Backcountry Office only to be told that the Clingmans Dome road was still closed. The Ranger expected that it would open…but when. The Visitor Center didn’t […]
Day 24 / Gatlinburg / 199.3
We had an amazing day! The morning was spent completing hiker chores. Laundry, gear cleanup, and resupply. Of course, the shower always makes one feel human. Then it was off to play tourist. Gatlinburg is a cool place. Traffic is a nightmare, but it’s good once you’re on foot walking about the shops. We had […]
Day 23 / Clingmans Dome / 199.3
It was a restless night. Tossing and turning. Trying to stay warm. The temperature dropped into the low twenties. The wind never relented. The snow stopped at some point in the night. You couldn’t tell from inside the shelter just how much had fallen. Finally a few hikers were packing up. I didn’t want to […]
Day 22 / Derrick Knob / 189.0
Just before drifting off to sleep last night, it began to rain. The distant thunder inching ever closer. I fell asleep thinking it was going to be a wet night. I was right. At some point, in the early morning hours, I woke up and the sound of the precipitation hitting the tent had changed. […]
Day 21 / Russell Field / 180.1
Up bright and early. Packed up, suited up, and caught the shuttle back to the dam. Thunderstorms, snow, and cold in the weather forecast. All the hikers seemed nervous about the potential weather and the Smokies. I crossed the dam, followed the blazes to the entrance of GSMNP, and deposited my permit in the box. […]
Day 20 / Fontana Lodge / 166.0
Zero mileage today. A day of rest and recovery. Hot shower, hot food, and even a nap. Laundry. Gear sorted out and ready to go. Tomorrow…into Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Hope the weather is on my side.
Day 19 / Fontana Dam Visitors Center / 166.0
At the first sound of rain drops hitting the tent, I was awake and moving. It started as sporadic, light drops. My gear was packed and covered without getting too wet. Just as the rain picked up, I hit the trail. The rain couldn’t make up its mind. I stopped several times to take off […]
Day 18 / Cable Gap / 158.9
Last night, I was camped near three 30ish young men. All carrying the right gear and talking big to those who would listen. And even to those who didn’t care to hear. They were packed up and on the trail a few minutes before me. I caught up to them after the first mile. Dogged […]
Day 17 / Locust Cove / 147.4
Today was the longest climb yet. It was a total of 8.2 miles to the summit of Cheoah Bald. A gain of over 3,000′ of altitude. Many parts were quite steep! I made it just over 4.5 hours. I pushed down the other side for a few more miles. Camped in small area that is […]